Gift Again, powered by Rockstar Hubs International (www.RockstarHubs.International) is pioneering a new and sustainable model to be able to support a variety of good causes as well as both social and environmental projects. Being at the forefront of its industry, with its finger on the pulse in various countries, it has been able to identify and therefore develop the concept which includes the ability to:

  • Manage the capital amount of funds received from donations in a way that produces income and therefore grows over time

  • Provide an option to those donating, that they may receive their original donation back, thereby allowing them to gift again

  • Sustainably support projects over longer periods of time due to the constant growth and re-investment of funds


CALL:  +44 (0) 845 366 9742

EMAIL:  admin@rshi.co

ADDRESS: The Shard, Level 24,
32 London Bridge St, London
SE1 9SG, United Kingdom